Description of Core Competency Professional development related to creating effective learning environments. There are two components to effective learning environments 1) a place in which students feel respected and wanted and 2) the actual pedagogical design. This first component falls under inclusive practices. Inclusive practices in education refers to the strategies, and activities that strives to serve the needs of all students, regardless of background or identity, and support their engagement with subject material. Inclusion is a right, not a special privilege for a select few.
Artifact Rationale Many individuals with disabilities state they underreport their status due to a feeling of vulnerability and/or that it will bias people against them. Under these conditions people do not feel respected and wanted, and this could negatively influence their ability to reach their full potential. In an effort to create safe, inclusive, and adaptive environments for individuals with disabilities; I helped developed the This Ability Resource Page, a repository of adaptive knowledge and best-practices and helped produce a video highlighting the contributions people with disabilities bring to research and education. The video was presented at the 2014 Beacon Congress and made available to other NSF research units.
Coursework and workshops ISE 870 teaching College science, Fall 2014
Certification in college teaching Institute, 9-10 May 2013
Zol 801 professional development Fall, 2012
Zool 5030 Teaching zoology, Spring 2008
Developing Conflict Management and Communication Skills in Research Teams, MSU gradschool
BioSci Professional Development on 22 August 2019 series of workshops -Communication skills for Challenging Situations -Setting Boundaries and Ground Rules -Challenging Situations Tools for Responding to Challenging Situations -Facilitation Tips and Campus Resources Learning Progression & Learning Goals -Insights from Experienced GTAs and ULAs Responsibilities & Professionalism -MSU Policies -Classroom Safety -Collaborative Cooperative Groups -Classroom Management -Motivating Students & Teaching Techniques
Other activities Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP)
Grant writer and project developer -Teaching and Learning Evolution for Preservice and Inservice Science Educators, BEACON (2016)
Member, Public Education Committee, American Society of Mammalogists, 2016- 2018
This Ability Resource Page, BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution in Action at Michigan State University (2014)
Interpretation/Reflection Effective learning environments is about how you manage your classroom but it’s also about how you interact with your students. I fundamentally believe that the power of being seen and knowing you are included can be transformative in a person’s education. One way that I foster an inclusive environment is by trying to remove the stigma associated with learning disabilities. In the classroom, I ensure that students know that disability accommodations are not a burden and that they can go on to be successful with learning disabilities. Outside of the classroom, I helped author a grant to develop a disability action plan for the BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution in Action at Michigan State University. I helped create the This Ability Resource Page, a repository of adaptive knowledge and best-practices and helped produce a video highlighting the contributions people with disabilities bring to research and education. The video was presented at the 2014 Beacon Congress and made available to other NSF research units. Additionally, I have mentored undergraduate students from colleges across the United States through the Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP), which aims to increase the number of underrepresented students who pursue graduate study and research careers. I am dedicated to creating effective learning environments for my students by continuing to follow best practices in pedagogical design and by working to create a classroom culture of openness, respect, and inclusivity.